Monday Geology Picture(s): More Petrified Wood at Kirstenbosch Garden

Petrified log at Kirstenbosch Gardens, held by my husband.
Petrified log at Kirstenbosch Garden, held by my husband.

My apologies again for the light blogging recently. My day job as an industry geologist has been keeping me extremely busy over the past couple of months. However, on Friday my husband and I are to the US for a much-needed three weeks of vacation, including spending time with friends and family whom we see far too rarely. Hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze in a little time for blogging during our vacation. Otherwise, I’ll do my best to pick up the blogging again in about a month. In the meantime, the “Monday Geology Picture” posts will have to tide you over until I can settle down for some real blogging.

Today, I thought I would share some more pictures of the petrified wood that my husband and I recently saw at Kirstenbosch Garden here in our home city of Cape Town, South Africa. Enjoy! True geologists, my husband and I spent far more time looking at the “trees of stone” than at the real trees of the botanical garden.

Sign explaining how petrified wood is formed.
Sign #1 explaining how petrified wood is formed. Click to enlarge.
Sign #2 explaining how petrified wood is formed.
Sign #2 explaining how petrified wood is formed. Click to enlarge.
Sitting on a petrified log.
Sitting on a petrified log.
Petrified wood between the signs about how petrified wood forms.
Petrified wood between the signs about how petrified wood forms.
Petrified wood, with sunglasses for scale.
Petrified wood, with sunglasses for scale.
More petrified wood.
More petrified wood. These are heavier than they look!
My husband Jackie holding some petrified wood.
My husband Jackie holding some petrified wood.

Monday Geology Picture: Posing with Petrified Wood in Kirstenbosch Garden

Posing with some petrified wood in Kirstenbosh Garden, May 2014.
Posing with some petrified wood in Kirstenbosh Garden, May 2014.

My apologies that my blogging has been very light over the past few weeks. I didn’t even post my “Monday Geology Picture” these past few weeks! A busy work schedule combined with some family issues meant that something had to go, and unfortunately that something was blogging here on Georneys. Never fear, though! I won’t abandon you! That said, starting in mid-June, I am going to be travelling for ~3 months, but before I depart I will set up many “Monday Geology Pictures” to auto-post. I have a few of my own geology pictures that I can share. However, if you have a fun geology picture, please feel free to email it to me (georneysblog at gmail), and I’d be delighted to share your picture here. Please include a caption, photographer credit, and a link to your website/blog (if you like me to link to something).

Before I depart for my travels, I’ll also wrap up my “Sutherland Sky” series of posts, and I’ll share some geological pictures from my March vacation to the beautiful volcanic island of Mauritius. And, when I have some downtime during my travels, I’ll post a few other things.

With that explanation, let me move on to this week’s “Monday Geology Picture.” This week I thought I’d share a picture of me posing with some petrified wood. A couple of weeks ago my husband and I visited Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden here in Cape Town, South Africa. We’ve been to Kirstenbosch many times, but this was the first time that we discovered Kirstenbosch’s rock garden! I have to say, as a geologist, I enjoyed the rock garden even more than the regular garden… but of course the regular garden is lovely as well. I’ll share some more pictures from Kirstenbosch in the future.