Monday Geology Picture(s): Duiker Footprints at Gnoem Gnoemskloof

Teeny tiny footprints, with hammer for scale.
Little duiker footprint!

When my husband and I visited Gnoem Gnoemskloof in the Robertson area of South Africa a little over a week ago, we noticed some teeny tiny footprints, shown above with a rock hammer for scale. We’re not animal footprint experts, but we suspect that these tiny footprints belong to the duiker, a little antelope which is found throughout sub-saharan Africa. Most likely, these are footprints of the common duiker.

I have yet to take a good picture of a duiker in the wild (these little antelope move quickly!), but here are a few pictures of duiker in a small zoo in Knysna, South Africa:

A little duiker taking a drink.
Another little duiker.
A little duiker house.
All nestled in the little house.

Aren’t these little duiker cute? I especially love their little houses!