Book Review: Diamonds, Gold, and War

My thick paperback copy of Diamonds, Gold, and War.
My thick paperback copy of Diamonds, Gold, and War.

Earlier this week I shared a picture of a few books on diamonds that are on my current reading list. I’ve also mentioned in a couple of previous posts that I’d like to share with you a little information about some of the geology-themed books that I’ve read recently.

Today I’ll be blogging about the first book, which is titled Diamonds, Gold, and War: The British, the Boers, and the Making of South Africa. The book was published in 2007 and was written by Martin Meredith, a journalist, biographer, and historian who has also written several other non-fiction books about Africa, such as Mugabe: Power, Plunder, and the Struggle for Zimbabwe’s Future and The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair. Meredith has also written an intriguing looking book titled Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life that I’ve just added to my reading list – so perhaps I’ll review that book later in the year!

I read Diamonds, Gold, and War (hereafter abbreviated as DGW) over a couple months last year. The book is thick, so it took me a few airplane trips and many nights at home to read through. Although it took me awhile to read, without a doubt DGW is the most interesting and important book that I read last year. The book provides a detailed account of key events in South African history focusing on the 1870s to the 1910s. During this time period, rich deposits of diamonds and gold were discovered and developed into mines, kicking off the modern economic development of the region and a legacy of mining that continues to be important to the South African economy to this day. Some of the mineral deposits that were first discovered in South Africa over a hundred years ago are still being mined in today. Several large mining companies, such as De Beers, were founded in South Africa during this time period. However, while the rich mineral deposits played an important role in the economic development of the country, they also led to a fierce battle to control the new-found riches. At the turn of the century, the British battled the Afrikaner Boers for control of southern Africa, waging a costly and bloody war that badly affected both parties. In addition, businessmen such as Cecil Rhodes schemed to dominate the mining industry, ruthlessly forcing aside the competition. During this time period, South Africa’s mineral wealth was largely controlled by a few individuals, who often exploited their mine workers and who did not put much emphasis on health and safety standards, considering mine injuries and deaths to simply be part of the cost of doing business.

Here’s an excerpt from the book’s introduction:

“… in 1871, prospectors exploring a remote area of sun-scorched scrubland in Griqualand, just outside the Cape’s borders, discovered the world’s richest deposits of diamonds. Britain promptly snatched the territory from the Orange Free State. Fifteen years later, an itinerant English digger, George Harrison, stumbled across the rocky outcrop of a gold-bearing reef on a ridge named by Transvaal farmers as the Witwatersrand. Beneath the reef lay the richest deposits of gold ever discovered. The gold strike transformed the Transvaal from an impoverished rural republic into a glittering prize.

What followed was a titanic struggle fought by the British to gain supremacy throughout southern Africa and by the Boers to preserve the independence of their republics. It culminated in the costliest, bloodiest and most humiliating war that Britain had waged in nearly a century…

Two men personified the struggle: Cecil Rhodes and Paul Kruger. Rhodes, the son of an English country parson, used his huge fortunes from diamonds and gold to promote the expansion of the British empire as well as his own business interests… Paul Kruger, the Boer leader and landowner, whose only education was the Bible and who believed the earth was flat, defied Britain’s prime ministers and generals for nearly a quarter of a century.”

DGW covers a fascinating and important time period in South Africa’s history. The book is thoroughly researched and contains several pages of historical pictures and maps. Although the book is long (570 pages) and a little cumbersome at times, overall it is extremely readable – it’s not dry history at all. The book is full of rich detail and anecdotes. In particular, Meredith paints a vivid picture of Cecil Rhodes and Paul Kruger, two of the most influential – and also the most controversial – figures of the time period. Meredith also paints a vivid picture of the early days in the mining towns of Kimberly (diamonds) and Johannesburg (gold).

Personally, the book was an important one for me to read. I’ve been living in South Africa for nearly five years. During this time period, I’ve worked as a geologist in both the diamond and gold industries. Fortunately, the mining industry in South Africa looks quite different today than it did back in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Today, mining companies are much more socially responsible, and there is also a great emphasis placed on the health and safety of employees. The modern South African mining industry isn’t perfect, but it has come a long, long way. I found it extremely valuable to read DGW in order to better understand the origins and complex development of South African’s mining industry. In addition, I found it fascinating to read about how deposits of diamonds and gold were first discovered and developed in South Africa. Fortunately, Meredith’s descriptions of geology are fairly accurate, as history books go! I didn’t spot any glaring geological errors or omissions.

Overall, I highly recommend reading DGW. The book provides a wonderful example of how geology influences history. The discovery of rich mineral deposits in South Africa played a key role in shaping the country’s history and continues to shape the country to this day. If neither diamonds nor gold were discovered in South Africa, the country’s development would likely have taken a radically different path, for better or for worse.

Monday Geology Picture: Diamond Reading List

Three books on my reading list.
Three books on my reading list… one book comes with two maps!

Since I started working for De Beers a little over two years ago, I’ve slowly but surely been learning all about diamonds and diamond geology. I’ve also been learning about the history of diamond mining in southern Africa and elsewhere in the world. In some other posts, I’ll have to share a little about the books on diamonds that I’ve already read. However, for this week’s “Monday Geology Picture” I thought I’d share a picture of three of the next books on my diamond reading list. I’m particularly excited to read the book on occurrences of diamond in South Africa – it comes with two great maps!

What geology books are on your reading list?

A Peridot is Forever

My peridot engagement ring.

As a geologist and a skeptic, I’d like to debunk a popular myth: a diamond is not forever. This clever phrase was coined in 1948 as a marketing slogan for DeBeers, but I cry that it’s false advertising. Diamonds, formed at high-pressures deep within the Earth, are metastable in the low pressures at Earth’s surface. Over many million of years, the carbon atoms in the gemstones will rearrange, converting the diamonds into graphite. Pencil lead, essentially.

A real forever gemstone? Maybe zircon. There are zircons in places such as western Australia that are over four billion years old. Forever is a long time, though, and even zircons eventually degrade. Blue zircons can make really beautiful gemstones, though.

Okay, so maybe I am being too picky; perhaps I’m too much of a geochemical snob. On human timescales, diamonds appear to last forever. To prove a point, though, if I if ever became engaged, I want a peridot ring. Peridots are not forever gemstones. Actually, peridot is one of the most ephemeral gemstones. Peridot is olivine, which is the first mineral to weather in a rock containing this mineral. Olivine weathers quickly because the weak metallic bonds holding together isolated silicate tetrahedra are easily broken down by physical and chemical weathering.

But I like peridots much better than diamonds becaue they’re a beautiful green color, and they remind me of some of my favorite rocks, where peridots can be found. Sure, peridot is not as expensive as diamond, but I personally think that diamonds are overrated. Diamonds, with the possible exception of rare colored diamonds, are not worth what most people pay for them.

Diamonds are somewhat common, actually, and the market for the traditional off-the-shelf diamond engagement ring is artificially controlled. The economist might argue with me. Items are worth whatever people will pay for them. However, geologically, I just don’t see it. I highly recommend the book Diamond: A Journey into the Heart of an Obsession by Matthew Hart for anyone wanting to learn more about diamonds and the diamond industry. This book is an excellent quick read for anyone wanting some evidence that that diamonds are not really worth that much.

And I wonder: why all the hype about diamonds when there are so many other gemstones? Why should everyone have diamond engagement rings? Why can’t some people have zircons or sapphires or peridots, if they want to? Why is it “odd” (in the words of my grandmother) to have anything other than diamond?

Certainly, love and marriage are even more ephemeral than these gemstones, even highly-degradable olivine. These days, the typical marriage is lucky to last five years, so what does it matter which gemstone symbolizes your bond? Any gemstone is likely to last longer than your love. Peridot, one of the shortest-lasting gemstones (often degrading in hundreds to thousands of years), and diamond, one of the longest-lasting (degrading in millions of years), both will last much longer than the average or even the extraordinary marriage. Even if one is lucky and is married for sixty years or more, that peridot gem should still be going strong.

So, why diamonds? On human timescales they aren’t any longer-lasting than other gemstones, and they’re not particularly rare or valuable. I mean, how rare can they be when every young, engaged female has one around her finger?

Yet even my geologist friends, who appreciate the worth (or lack of worth) of diamonds, have diamond rings on their fingers or purchase diamond rings for their fiancees. I guess that so-called tradition might have something to do with it. A girl wants the diamond engagement ring, just as her mother and gradmother had. But are diamond engagement rings really traditional? Not everywhere, certainly. Diamond engagement rings are starting to catch on even in places such as Japan and China, where these rings certainly are not traditional. Why? Clever marketing, in my opinion.

Just a few days ago, a good friend of mine became engaged. Of course, she sent me digital photographs of the diamond engagement ring. I am quite happy for my friend. She’s marrying a great person, and she was so happy on the phone. I told her, quite honestly, that her ring is beautiful. I may not understand why a diamond ring is so important and necessary for an engagement, but I do understand why this ring is so important for my friend and why she is so proud to display it on her finger.

I wouldn’t begrudge her happiness nor the engagement ring she’s been dreaming of for years.
But for me, if I ever decide that it’s time to be married? Peridot. Or maybe zircon… or zoisite… or maybe alexandrite. No, peridot it is. Or maybe blue zircon… oh, I can’t make up my mind. Okay, peridot and blue zircon. But diamond? How conventional and boring!

An addendum:
I originally wrote this blog post back in December 2006. I met my fiance in June 2007, and we became engaged on Friday the 13th, March 2009. We didn’t realize that it was Friday the 13th until some friends pointed this out to us. Since the Friday the 13th superstition is ridiculous, we laughed it off. As a skeptic, I actually find it delightful that we became engaged on this “ominous” day. Almost two years later, we’re still engaged and plan to marry in October 2011. So far, no bad luck.

My peridot engagement ring is the top picture in this blog post. Yes, there are two tiny diamonds on either side of the peridot. My fiance, somewhat ironically, worked for De Beers at the time we became engaged, so he could not resist two teeny tiny diamonds. However, in a few months we will be resetting the ring (I’ll probably rid the ring of the diamonds) and designing a matching wedding band with more peridots. Because, at least for the fifty or sixty years we hope to be married, a peridot is forever.