Book Review: Diamonds, Gold, and War

My thick paperback copy of Diamonds, Gold, and War.
My thick paperback copy of Diamonds, Gold, and War.

Earlier this week I shared a picture of a few books on diamonds that are on my current reading list. I’ve also mentioned in a couple of previous posts that I’d like to share with you a little information about some of the geology-themed books that I’ve read recently.

Today I’ll be blogging about the first book, which is titled Diamonds, Gold, and War: The British, the Boers, and the Making of South Africa. The book was published in 2007 and was written by Martin Meredith, a journalist, biographer, and historian who has also written several other non-fiction books about Africa, such as Mugabe: Power, Plunder, and the Struggle for Zimbabwe’s Future and The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair. Meredith has also written an intriguing looking book titled Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life that I’ve just added to my reading list – so perhaps I’ll review that book later in the year!

I read Diamonds, Gold, and War (hereafter abbreviated as DGW) over a couple months last year. The book is thick, so it took me a few airplane trips and many nights at home to read through. Although it took me awhile to read, without a doubt DGW is the most interesting and important book that I read last year. The book provides a detailed account of key events in South African history focusing on the 1870s to the 1910s. During this time period, rich deposits of diamonds and gold were discovered and developed into mines, kicking off the modern economic development of the region and a legacy of mining that continues to be important to the South African economy to this day. Some of the mineral deposits that were first discovered in South Africa over a hundred years ago are still being mined in today. Several large mining companies, such as De Beers, were founded in South Africa during this time period. However, while the rich mineral deposits played an important role in the economic development of the country, they also led to a fierce battle to control the new-found riches. At the turn of the century, the British battled the Afrikaner Boers for control of southern Africa, waging a costly and bloody war that badly affected both parties. In addition, businessmen such as Cecil Rhodes schemed to dominate the mining industry, ruthlessly forcing aside the competition. During this time period, South Africa’s mineral wealth was largely controlled by a few individuals, who often exploited their mine workers and who did not put much emphasis on health and safety standards, considering mine injuries and deaths to simply be part of the cost of doing business.

Here’s an excerpt from the book’s introduction:

“… in 1871, prospectors exploring a remote area of sun-scorched scrubland in Griqualand, just outside the Cape’s borders, discovered the world’s richest deposits of diamonds. Britain promptly snatched the territory from the Orange Free State. Fifteen years later, an itinerant English digger, George Harrison, stumbled across the rocky outcrop of a gold-bearing reef on a ridge named by Transvaal farmers as the Witwatersrand. Beneath the reef lay the richest deposits of gold ever discovered. The gold strike transformed the Transvaal from an impoverished rural republic into a glittering prize.

What followed was a titanic struggle fought by the British to gain supremacy throughout southern Africa and by the Boers to preserve the independence of their republics. It culminated in the costliest, bloodiest and most humiliating war that Britain had waged in nearly a century…

Two men personified the struggle: Cecil Rhodes and Paul Kruger. Rhodes, the son of an English country parson, used his huge fortunes from diamonds and gold to promote the expansion of the British empire as well as his own business interests… Paul Kruger, the Boer leader and landowner, whose only education was the Bible and who believed the earth was flat, defied Britain’s prime ministers and generals for nearly a quarter of a century.”

DGW covers a fascinating and important time period in South Africa’s history. The book is thoroughly researched and contains several pages of historical pictures and maps. Although the book is long (570 pages) and a little cumbersome at times, overall it is extremely readable – it’s not dry history at all. The book is full of rich detail and anecdotes. In particular, Meredith paints a vivid picture of Cecil Rhodes and Paul Kruger, two of the most influential – and also the most controversial – figures of the time period. Meredith also paints a vivid picture of the early days in the mining towns of Kimberly (diamonds) and Johannesburg (gold).

Personally, the book was an important one for me to read. I’ve been living in South Africa for nearly five years. During this time period, I’ve worked as a geologist in both the diamond and gold industries. Fortunately, the mining industry in South Africa looks quite different today than it did back in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Today, mining companies are much more socially responsible, and there is also a great emphasis placed on the health and safety of employees. The modern South African mining industry isn’t perfect, but it has come a long, long way. I found it extremely valuable to read DGW in order to better understand the origins and complex development of South African’s mining industry. In addition, I found it fascinating to read about how deposits of diamonds and gold were first discovered and developed in South Africa. Fortunately, Meredith’s descriptions of geology are fairly accurate, as history books go! I didn’t spot any glaring geological errors or omissions.

Overall, I highly recommend reading DGW. The book provides a wonderful example of how geology influences history. The discovery of rich mineral deposits in South Africa played a key role in shaping the country’s history and continues to shape the country to this day. If neither diamonds nor gold were discovered in South Africa, the country’s development would likely have taken a radically different path, for better or for worse.

Monday Geology Picture: Diamond Reading List

Three books on my reading list.
Three books on my reading list… one book comes with two maps!

Since I started working for De Beers a little over two years ago, I’ve slowly but surely been learning all about diamonds and diamond geology. I’ve also been learning about the history of diamond mining in southern Africa and elsewhere in the world. In some other posts, I’ll have to share a little about the books on diamonds that I’ve already read. However, for this week’s “Monday Geology Picture” I thought I’d share a picture of three of the next books on my diamond reading list. I’m particularly excited to read the book on occurrences of diamond in South Africa – it comes with two great maps!

What geology books are on your reading list?

Geology Pun Contest: The Winner

The prize: Gillian Turner’s book “North Pole South Pole.”

As I mentioned yesterday, this blog is now returning to its usual geological theme. I also mentioned yesterday that in the near future I will blog about the Oklo Natural Nuclear Reactor, which is a topic that I hope will appeal to both those interested in geology and those interested in nuclear power. I want a few days to read some papers and write up a proper post on the topic, and in the meantime I will return some of my usual geology posts, such as the Geology Word of the Week. I managed to take the Geology Word of the Week most of the way through the alphabet from A is for Alluvium to S is for Speleothem before halting all geology posts so that my dad and I could do our Fukushima interviews. This week I will be writing about a geology word starting with the letter T, so stay tuned!

Today I want to wrap-up a bit of unfinished blog business. Just before the Japan earthquake and tsunami, I announced a geology pun contest with the prize being a copy of Gillian Turner’s book “North Pole South Pole: The Epic Quest to Solve the Mystery of Earth’s Magnetism.” I unfortunately haven’t had time to read this book, but it has already been reviewed favorably by other geobloggers, such as Callan Bentley over at Mountain Beltway and Wayne Ranney over at Earthly Musings. I hope to read the book myself on an upcoming trip to South Africa.

Because I did not want to break up the Fukushima interviews, I never announced the winner of the geology pun contest, but I am now:

Best Geology Pun (made me laugh the most):

“I never got into geology. Seemed too crowded as so many geologists are out standing in the field.”

Congratulations to sisyphusrocks! You have won the book. Please email your address to georneysblog (at) gmail (dot) com, and I’ll send the book on its way.

For amusement, I’ve compiled the rest of the geology puns after the jump. Thanks to everyone who entered, and feel free to post more geology puns in the comments. There can never be too many geology puns :-).

More Geology Pun Entries: 

“You want geology puns? Give me a minute. I’ll dig some up.”

“I met a stoner who said he once lost his apatite. I think that’s a lode of schist.”

“IANAG so I really don’t know a lode of geology puns.”
-Mike”When I was in college, our geo lab had a large chunk of schist sitting around. I put a sign under it (only visible if you took it and moved it) that said, ‘Hey, it’s not gneiss to take a schist in the lab!’ ”

“I know some things about rocks but I vishnu more schist for sure.”
-James Fox

“Geology ROCKS!”

“Or the inevitable… geologists make my bed rock.”
-James Fox

“It was his fault the conversation eroded. He assumed I was saying I had too much on my plate, but that wasn’t what I sediment.”

“If you want to have impact, donate for the crater good.”

“We voted on which cheese to serve at the party. Debris won by a landslide.”

“Orogeny recapitulates plate tectonics.
(Actually, I think this is backwards, but meh! I’ve already won Tim Minchin tix this month…)”
-Buzz Parsec”The Earth’s crust was bland until she got a basalt shaker.”

“I’ve started calling myself an A-geologist, because I don’t believe in the divinity of Geode.”

“hehehe…. these puns are all clastics!”

“I hope limericks count because I put pen to paper and think Mary had a little lamb…
Mary found rhombohedral crystals of calcite,
Whose color was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went the exposed calcite was sure to erode.”
-greenstone123″An educational and I hope, witty limerick…

Twinkle twinkle little Larimar,
How I wonder what you are?
From the mineral class pectolite,
Luster silky, what a sight!
Twinkle twinkle little Larimar,
What a pretty gem you are!”

“Hmmm… a pun on demand? Let me think on that. In the meantime, here’s one from two years ago:”

“Geologist couples are always gneiss people, but almost never have children because they have plutonic relationships.”
-Garry Hayes

“Geologists know that subduction leads to orogeny and thrusting, making the bedrock.”
-Garry Hayes

“You know how pinstripe laminated sandstones are popular for building stones? And they put them in big wire cages for shipping? That’s an example of ‘Stoss Cratification of Cross-Stratification’ ”

“Let’s go behind that rock, I am a little boulder there.”

“Subduction leads to orogeny”

“Every time I try to be gneiss I get the schist beat out of me…”

“Not quite a pun, but the way to remember which way the _cline bends: A syn makes you grin!”

“Geology – The only profession where it is acceptable to measure a dyke’s cleavage.”

“So I said to the geologist, ‘Wow, taking core samples. That sounds pretty interesting,’ and he says ‘actually, it’s really just boring.’ ”

“A stone mason with a powerful phobia of indoor lighting was accused of misrepresenting the ‘black granite’ he used in a counter top. He was charged with basalt, but when his condition came to light, the charges were dismissed due to lamprophyre.”

“Many years ago a geology student friend and I planned to write a geological murder mystery titled ‘Murder by default.’ We still have the notes, so who knows, some day….”

“Cave formations are like ants in the pants: the mites to up and the tights come down.”