Origami Dinosaurs

Waaayyy too excited about this.

This past weekend during some post-thesis retail therapy, I made a wonderful discovery in the local $1 store: origami dinosaurs! Since the box only cost $1 and my origami skills are lacking, I bought 5 boxes.

Tonight my friend Dan and I attempted our first origami dinosaurs. We started with T-Rex since the instructions looked simpler than the other dinosaurs.

So many origami dinosaurs.
How many PhD students (and recent PhD graduates) does it take to figure out the origami instructions?

After some struggling along, our T-Rex creations look *almost* like the one on the box:


I think these origami dinosaurs may need to make friends with Paleontologist Barbie.

Does anyone have any good dinosaur origami instructions? Has anyone else made origami dinosaurs?

Accretionary Wedge #39: Geologist Barbie

Paleontologist Barbie thinks fossils are fun!

Sorry for taking awhile to post this October Accretionary Wedge. My thesis has been keeping me fairly busy recently!

Back at the beginning of October, I issued this call for an Accretionary Wedge:

Dress Barbie as a geologist for Halloween! To participate in this month’s accretionary wedge, purchase a Barbie (I think they sell for about $10) or, better yet, acquire one from a friend, thrift shop, or garage sale. If you can’t manage to find a Barbie, any doll will do! Then, construct a geologist costume for Barbie. You can recycle bits and pieces of Barbie clothing or you can make new clothes using cloth, yarn, paper… anything really! If you want, you can also find or make some props for Barbie. For example, if you want to dress Barbie as a seismologist, make her a seismometer out of cardboard. Paleontologist Barbie already exists, but feel free to make another (perhaps more realistic?) Paleontologist Barbie if you want.

Several people rose to the challenge of dressing Barbie as a geologist. For my entry, I decked Barbie out in full laboratory safety gear as Geochemist Barbie:

Geochemist Barbie thinks chemistry is fun!

Over at Musings of the Midnight Fox, Reynardo presented the fantastically dressed and adventurous  Volcanologist Barbie:

Volcanologist Barbie thinks lava is fun!

Over at Uncovered Earth, Michael presented the well-prepared and socially conscious Coastal Geohazards Assessor Barbie:

Coastal Hazard Assessor Barbie thinks taking soil cores is fun!

Over at Ann’s Musings on Geology & Other Things, Ann dressed up Barbie as a gold digger:

Gold Digger Barbie thinks finding gold is fun!

Over at In the Company of Plants and Rocks, Hollis didn’t have a Barbie but instead presented Periglaciologist Fred:

Fred thinks that playing in periglacial sand is fun!

Finally, Dana over at En Tequila Es Verdad presented Geologist Barbie’s Dream House:

Geologist Barbie thinks rock gardens are just dreamy.

Can I move in there, Dana? Those rock gardens look fantastic!

Thanks to everyone who participated in Accretionary Wedge #39. Be sure to click on the links above to view more pictures of these geologist Barbies… and Fred.

Accretionary Wedge #39: Geochemist Barbie

Geochemist Barbie prepares to make aqua regia.

Here’s my entry for Accretionary Wedge #39: Dress Barbie Like a Geologist for Halloween!

Geochemist Barbie keeps busy in the clean lab! She wears a white, full-body tyvek jumpsuit to protect herself from chemicals. The suit also keeps dust and dirt out of the lab so that Geochemist Barbie can avoid contamination of her precious rock samples.

Geochemistry is dangerous work! For instance, today Geochemist Barbie has to mix up some aqua regia (70% hydrochloric acid or HCl and 30% nitric acid or HNO3), which she is going to use to clean out teflon beakers for her next set of rock dissolutions. Aqua regia is a very dangerous chemical, so Geochemist Barbie wears long, purple, nitrile gloves, bright pink safety glasses (which are definitely *not* sunglasses filched from Beach Barbie… I swear…) , and a plastic face shield for protection. She also keeps her long blonde hair tied up in a net so that it stays out of her way and also so that it does not fall into her sample beakers or chemicals.

A closer look at Geochemist Barbie's hair net, safety goggles, and face shield.
Geochemist Barbie thinks chemistry is fun!

Accretionary Wedge #39: Dress Barbie Like a Geologist for Halloween

Paleontologist Barbie.

Anne Jefferson just posted a wonderful round-up of back-to-school posts for Accretionary Wedge #38.

I’m hosting Accretionary Wedge #39 here at Georneys. Several weeks ago I shared pictures of Paleontologist Barbie, which I acquired from ebay. Inspired by Paleontologist Barbie and in honor of Halloween, this month’s accretionary wedge is:

Dress Barbie as a geologist for Halloween! To participate in this month’s accretionary wedge, purchase a Barbie (I think they sell for about $10) or, better yet, acquire one from a friend, thrift shop, or garage sale. If you can’t manage to find a Barbie, any doll will do! Then, construct a geologist costume for Barbie. You can recycle bits and pieces of Barbie clothing or you can make new clothes using cloth, yarn, paper… anything really! If you want, you can also find or make some props for Barbie. For example, if you want to dress Barbie as a seismologist, make her a seismometer out of cardboard. Paleontologist Barbie already exists, but feel free to make another (perhaps more realistic?) Paleontologist Barbie if you want.

Here are some ideas for dressing up Barbie as a geologist:

-Paleontologist Barbie
-Geochemist Barbie
-Geophysicist Barbie
-Structural Geologist Barbie
-Hydrologist Barbie
-Volcanologist Barbie
-Marine Geologist Barbie
-Geobiologist Barbie
-Climate Scientist Barbie
-Meteorologist Barbie
-Museum Curator Barbie
-Mineralogist Barbie
-Gemologist Barbie
-Geology Professor Barbie
-Graduate Student Barbie
-Astronaut Barbie
-Planetary Scientist Barbie

I’m sure there are many other possible geo-themed Barbies! If you don’t feel like submitting a geologist Barbie, a scientist Barbie would be fine. For example, you could make an astronomer Barbie. If you prefer, you can also dress up Barbie’s friend Ken or any of the other Barbie characters. I look forward to seeing your creations! Please submit your entries by November 1st. You can submit an entry by posting a comment below with a link to your blog post.

I’m going to create my own geologist Barbie sometime in the next few days. I’ll post pictures once she’s ready!

Paleontologist Barbie

Paleontologist Barbie has arrived!

Paleontologist Barbie arrived today in the mail. After reading this blog post I just couldn’t resist ordering my very own Paleontologist Barbie from ebay. Best $30 I’ve spent in a long time. I think I’ll take her on some adventures with me over the next year.

Wow! She comes with dinosaur friends, a rock hammer, fossils, a map (of Gondwana, I think), a canteen, a field bag, a hat, and a dinosaur frisbee (I think). Look at her awesome shirt with dinosaurs!
Looking for dinosaurs with... Paleontologist Barbie!

Barbie is a silly name, though. I think I’ll re-name her. How about Galena? Any other suggestions?