Accretionary Wedge #39: Dress Barbie Like a Geologist for Halloween

Paleontologist Barbie.

Anne Jefferson just posted a wonderful round-up of back-to-school posts for Accretionary Wedge #38.

I’m hosting Accretionary Wedge #39 here at Georneys. Several weeks ago I shared pictures of Paleontologist Barbie, which I acquired from ebay. Inspired by Paleontologist Barbie and in honor of Halloween, this month’s accretionary wedge is:

Dress Barbie as a geologist for Halloween! To participate in this month’s accretionary wedge, purchase a Barbie (I think they sell for about $10) or, better yet, acquire one from a friend, thrift shop, or garage sale. If you can’t manage to find a Barbie, any doll will do! Then, construct a geologist costume for Barbie. You can recycle bits and pieces of Barbie clothing or you can make new clothes using cloth, yarn, paper… anything really! If you want, you can also find or make some props for Barbie. For example, if you want to dress Barbie as a seismologist, make her a seismometer out of cardboard. Paleontologist Barbie already exists, but feel free to make another (perhaps more realistic?) Paleontologist Barbie if you want.

Here are some ideas for dressing up Barbie as a geologist:

-Paleontologist Barbie
-Geochemist Barbie
-Geophysicist Barbie
-Structural Geologist Barbie
-Hydrologist Barbie
-Volcanologist Barbie
-Marine Geologist Barbie
-Geobiologist Barbie
-Climate Scientist Barbie
-Meteorologist Barbie
-Museum Curator Barbie
-Mineralogist Barbie
-Gemologist Barbie
-Geology Professor Barbie
-Graduate Student Barbie
-Astronaut Barbie
-Planetary Scientist Barbie

I’m sure there are many other possible geo-themed Barbies! If you don’t feel like submitting a geologist Barbie, a scientist Barbie would be fine. For example, you could make an astronomer Barbie. If you prefer, you can also dress up Barbie’s friend Ken or any of the other Barbie characters. I look forward to seeing your creations! Please submit your entries by November 1st. You can submit an entry by posting a comment below with a link to your blog post.

I’m going to create my own geologist Barbie sometime in the next few days. I’ll post pictures once she’s ready!

18 thoughts on “Accretionary Wedge #39: Dress Barbie Like a Geologist for Halloween

  1. I’ve rarely saw a geologist in shorts. The environment is SO unforgiving of such things…
    Otherwise, TOTALLY cool!


  2. Inspiration for halloween costume! Thanks! Will be hard to pull off shorts in the cold….but will be fun ๐Ÿ˜€


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